Nicolas Courty

Nicolas Courty

Professor in Computer Science

Université Bretagne Sud / IRISA


Welcome ! I am a Full Professor at University Bretagne Sud since 2018. I obtained my PhD degree in 2002 from INSA Rennes and my 'Habilitation à diriger des recherches' in 2013, on the topic of computer graphics and animation (avatars, crowds), with a specialization in data-driven methods. I now lead the Obelix team at IRISA, which research contributions lie at the crossroad of machine learning and Earth Observation. I am an experienced researcher in the domain of machine learning and AI. Among others, I have published several papers in top tier machine learning conferences (NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, AISTATS, etc.), computer vision (IEEE TPAMI, ECCV, ACCV) and remote sensing (IEEE TGRS, ISPRS journal). From 2014, I developed an expertise in the domain of optimal transport and related applications to machine learning. From 2020, I am the principal investigator in an ANR Chair program on AI (OTTOPIA), on the topic of applied optimal transport for Remote Sensing.

Scientific interests:

  • Optimal transport, Statistical learning, kernel methods
  • Manifold and geometric approaches to machine learning
  • Applications to computer graphics, vision and remote sensing

Code production

As a computer scientist, I definitely believe in the power of open-source and reproducibility as a basis of science. Though my current activities will not let me hand on code as much as I want to, I still enjoy coding in C++, Cuda kernels or PyTorch. Take a look at the coding section to know more.

Other publications

(2024). Domain Adaptation of Time Series through Optimal Transport and Temporal Alignment. 55ièmes Journées de Statistique.

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(2024). Apprentissage contrastif multi-modal: Du pré-entrainement auto-supervisé à la classification supervisée.. Joint CAP and RFIAP 2024 Conferences.


(2024). Distributional Reduction: Unifying Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering with Gromov-Wasserstein Projection. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.02239.


(2024). Domain Adaptation of Time Series through Optimal Transport and Temporal Alignment. 55ièmes Journées de Statistique.


(2024). Non Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling Software.

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